Posts tagged: event recognition

Event detection and recognition for semantic annotation of video: a survey

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By , November 23, 2010


Our paper “Event detection and recognition for semantic annotation of video” was accepted for publication by Springer International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) in the special issue “Survey papers in Multimedia by World Experts”. The paper is available online now (see publications) and it is also available on SpringerLink (DOI).

In this paper we survey the field of event recognition, from interest point detectors and descriptors, to event modelling techniques and knowledge management technologies. We provide an overview of the methods, categorising them according to video production methods and video domains, and according to types of events and actions that are typical of these domains.

Video Event Classification using String Kernels

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By , September 22, 2009

Our paper on “Video Event Classification using String Kernels was accepted for publication by Springer International Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) in the special issue on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing.

In this paper we present a method to introduce temporal information for video event recognition within the bag-of-words (BoW) approach. Events are modeled as a sequence composed of histograms of visual features, computed from each frame using the traditional BoW. The sequences are treated as strings phrases where each histogram is considered as a character. Event classification of these sequences of variable length, depending on the duration of the video clips, are performed using SVM classifiers with a string kernel that uses the Needlemann-Wunsch edit distance.

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