Posts tagged: AI

SAILORS 2015: Tutorial on Nearest Neighbors for Image Classification

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By , August 7, 2015

Lamberto Ballan - Stanford SAILORS 2015 - kNN tutorialI have just given a tutorial on kNN at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory’s Outreach Summer program (SAILORS). SAILORS is designed to expose high school students in underrepresented populations to the field of Artificial Intelligence.

The slides are available on this page and the Matlab code is also available for download. This is an updated version of the code used in class and should work also on Octave.

Teaching machines to see

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By , March 18, 2015

visionlabWatch the TED 2015 talk by my postdoc advisor Prof. Fei-Fei Li about the recent advances in computer vision, from the detection and classification of objects in images to algorithms that are able to construct natural descriptions of those images. It is an exciting overview of the current state of the art in computer vision, in which she shares her thoughts on its potential use and impact.

Landed and settled in Stanford

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By , October 11, 2014

Lucia and Lamberto Ballan at StanfordI am finally settled at Stanford University and just started my appointment as postdoctoral scholar in the AI laboratory (SAIL) on a Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission.

I started working in Fei-Fei Li‘s Vision Lab. I am also collaborating with Silvio Savarese and Bernd Girod.

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