Category: talk

Under the hood of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

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By , November 12, 2018

Lamberto Ballan at TLBD 2018I recently gave a talk at “The Law of Big Data” seminar series @UniPD (you can watch the video on YouTube).

How AI and big data are affecting our society, culture and laws? Many are claiming that data is the “new oil”, and the data-driven / machine-learning paradigm is changing how we address many different problems. Self-driving cars, robot caregivers and chatbot platforms are really happening, while they were only popular sci-fi topics until a few years ago. The aim of this lecture is to introduce the key concepts that have led to these results, to highlight what are the main challenges and open problems, thus trying to unveil what’s in the box.

Teaching machines to see: a quest to visual intelligence

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By , May 8, 2018

I recently gave a talk on “Teaching machines to see: a quest to visual intelligence” at the “Math&CS Pride” open-day outreach event organized by the Dept of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita”, for undergrad and high school students.

It was super fun (at least for me :), and this are the slides of the talk.

Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition and Vision, which direction?

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By , January 29, 2018

I have been invited to contribute to the panel “Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition and Vision, which direction?” during the CVPL day in Modena, Italy, on “Why is Deep Learning so cool?” [slides available online]. The event has been opened by Naftali Tishby with a very interesting talk about “Information Theory of Deep Learning”. A similar talk is also available on YouTube.

Aloha CVPR’17: I will be giving two talks on July 26

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By , July 22, 2017

CVPR is growing exponentially. This year in the beautiful Honolulu there are approx. 5K attendees. First, I will present our paper on “Localization of JPEG double compression through multi-domain convolutional neural networks” (Amerini, Uricchio, Ballan, Caldelli) at the CVPR’17 Workshop on Media Forensics. Then, I will give a keynote talk on “Exploiting noisy web data for large-scale visual recognition” at the CVPR’17 Workshop on Visual Understanding by Learning from Web Data [slides available online].

Invited Talk: Sharing Knowledge for Large Scale Visual Recognition

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By , November 18, 2016

In the last months I gave several times this talk about my recent work on knowledge transfer for large-scale visual recognition problems (e.g. Aquifi Inc – Palo Alto, Google ResearchUC Santa Cruz, MICCU. of Parma, U. of Catania, U. of Padova, “Ca’ Foscari” U. Venice). The key idea of our work is to transfer prior contextual knowledge to novel scenes where it is hard to collect large-scale training data [slides available online].

CVPR’16 Tutorial on Image Tag Assignment, Refinement and Retrieval

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By , June 27, 2016

Cees Snoek and Lamberto Ballan - CVPR 2016We gave a tutorial on “Image Tag Assignment, Refinement and Retrieval” at CVPR 2016, based on our survey. The focus is on challenges and solutions for content-based image retrieval in the context of online image sharing. We present a unified review on three problems: tag assignment, refinement, and tag-based image retrieval.

The slides are available on this page.

ACM MM’15 Tutorial on Image Tag Assignment, Refinement and Retrieval

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By , October 29, 2015

12183790_10153302893771359_4417098406233994063_oWe gave a tutorial on “Image Tag Assignment, Refinement and Retrieval” at ACM MM 2015, based on our recent survey. Our tutorial focuses on challenges and solutions for content-based image retrieval in the context of online image sharing and tagging. We present a unified review on three closely linked problems: tag assignment, tag refinement, and tag-based image retrieval. We introduce a taxonomy to structure the growing literature, understand the ingredients of the main works, and recognize their merits and limitations.

We provided also an hands-on session with the main methods, software and datasets. All data, code and slides are online at:

Teaching machines to see

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By , March 18, 2015

visionlabWatch the TED 2015 talk by my postdoc advisor Prof. Fei-Fei Li about the recent advances in computer vision, from the detection and classification of objects in images to algorithms that are able to construct natural descriptions of those images. It is an exciting overview of the current state of the art in computer vision, in which she shares her thoughts on its potential use and impact.

ICPR 2014 Tutorial: Hands on Advanced Bag-of-Words Models for Visual Recognition

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By , July 30, 2014

Lamberto Ballan and Lorenzo Seidenari at ICPR 2014

Lorenzo Seidenari and I gave the tutorial “Hands on Advanced Bag-of-Words Models for Visual Recognition” at the ICPR 2014 conference (August 24, Stockholm, Sweden).

All materials – i.e. slides, Matlab code, images and features – and more details can still be found on this webpage.

ICIAP 2013 Tutorial: Hands on Advanced Bag-of-Words Models for Visual Recognition

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By , September 7, 2013

ICIAP2013Lorenzo Seidenari and I will give a tutorial named “Hands on Advanced Bag-of-Words Models for Visual Recognition” at the forthcoming ICIAP 2013 conference (September 9, Naples, Italy). All materials (slides, Matlab code, etc.) and more details can be found on this webpage.

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