I am an Associate Professor of computer science in the Dept of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita” at the University of Padova, Italy, where I lead the Visual Intelligence and Machine Perception (VIMP) group. I am also affiliated faculty at the Human Inspired Technology Research Centre, and am an ELLIS member since 2021.
Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the AI Lab at Stanford University – working with L. Fei-Fei and S. Savarese – supported by a prestigious Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission. I received my Laurea (M.S.) and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering in 2006 and 2011, both from the Univ. of Florence (Italy), advised by A. Del Bimbo. I also spent time at Telecom ParisTech (France) in 2010.
My primary research area is computer vision, closely integrated with (deep) machine learning and multimedia. The main focus of my current research is on designing learning algorithms that make the most effective use of contextual knowledge in presence of sparse and noisy data.
Research Group / UniPD Profile / CV / ORCID / DBLP / Google Scholar
Happy to share that I will join the Math & CS Department of the University of Padova as an Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Computer Science, starting in Fall 2017.
The University of Padova is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning. The University of Padova is ranked first among Italian universities according to most international rankings (ARWU, US-News) and research evaluation agencies (ANVUR) [UniPD at a glance].
Universa Universis Patavina Libertas.
I have been selected Marie Curie Fellow of the week! Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowships are highly prestigious and competitive and are meant to support the best, most promising European researchers.
More info on this Facebook post.
I am finally settled at Stanford University and just started my appointment as postdoctoral scholar in the AI laboratory (SAIL) on a Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission.
I started working in Fei-Fei Li‘s Vision Lab. I am also collaborating with Silvio Savarese and Bernd Girod.
I have been awarded with a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF) granted by the European Commission. The Marie Curie IOF is a prestigious and highly competitive fellowship for experienced European scientists to gain new skills and expertise while conducting high-level research in a country outside Europe.
I have been awarded a grant of 272K Euro for the 3-years project “EAGLE: Exploiting semAntic and social knowledGe for visuaL rEcognition”. I will spend the first two years (outgoing phase) at Stanford University.

I have submitted my PhD thesis: “Object and event recognition in multimedia archives using local visual features” (supervisors: Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo and Dr. Marco Bertini). The dissertation will be defended on April 21, 2011. The thesis committee is comprised of three members: Prof. Enrico Vicario (Univ. of Florence, ING-INF/05), Prof. Giuliano Benelli (Univ. of Siena, ING-INF/04), Prof. Marco Scarpa (Univ. of Messina, INF/01).
“The digital revolution has converted old, analog technologies into a digital format. In this context, due to the widespread availability of personal and professional imaging devices, the low cost of multimedia storage and ease of content transmission and sharing, the need to automatically analyze and organize large amounts of visual data becomes more and more prominent. But although data processing capabilities of machines are truly impressive if compared to a human, data interpretation skills are very poor. It is mainly due to the fact that machines can only compute low level properties of data that have no clear relation with high level conceptual semantics. We present in this thesis a step-by-step methodology to reduce this semantic gap and to achieve automatic annotation and retrieval of visual content. This task may consist of determining whether the visual data contains some specific property, object or activity. […]”
I report in this page also the latex template used for my thesis at MICC (now it is the standard in our lab) and a zip file with the cover template (useful to produce a cool book in 17×24 format).

From April 6 to June 30, 2010, I will be a visiting PhD student at Telecom Paristech in Paris (France). Telecom Paristech (also known as ENST) is one of the most prestigious and selective grandes écoles in France and one of the finest institutions in the field of Telecommunications.
Together with Giuseppe Serra, we will work in the Image Processing and Interpretation (TII) group in the department of Signal and Image Processing (TSI), collaborating with Dr. Hichem Sahbi.